Sunday, September 30, 2012

Don't get all excited that I'm posting twice in less than 24 hours.  Last night I was so tired from watching the Vols throw away another game, I couldn't even get the info out that was the whole purpose of me sitting down.  Instead ya'll traveled down memory lane with me...thanks :)  And now the NFL teams that I pull for have gotten beaten or are getting beaten...I'm not screaming at the TV because QB's can't seem to throw to their own receivers or receivers can't catch the ball at their chest numbers, but man it makes for a long weekend coaching from the couch!

So this is the information that I wanted to share with you and you can decide to pray for all, or pick one, whatever strikes your fancy.
#1  Wednesday, Trevor had his feeding tube placed in his belly.  We were assuming that this would be an outpatient ordeal and found out Wednesday morning while going into surgery, his doctor opted to keep him overnight for observation.  They wanted to be sure that his peg tube functioned properly and that the nutritionist came by to give him an informative on his diet. I picked the kids up from school and explained that their dad was staying overnight at the hospital and we would go hang out with him and skip church.  Trevor and I had told them Tuesday night that he was getting a feeding tube to help with his nutrition because his throat and mouth were so sore from radiation.  It wouldn't be any big deal, this is a temporary thing, probably for 6-7 weeks because he would have to let his mouth heal after radiation ended before he would be able to eat normally.  Anyway, we are walking in the hospital and Neely asks, "do we need to go home and cut holes in all of my dad's shirts?"  I was kinda confused by the question, but her translator was on hand and replied, "no sis, my dad can raise his shirt when he has to put stuff in his tube"!  Why can I not keep it that simple?  Wouldn't my life be so much easier if I thought that straight?  I think as adults when we grow up, we sometimes grow dumb or grow to over think most everything in our daily lives.  If I bought the groceries on the grocery list, my pantry would not be packed full of "good deals".

So Trevor has his feeding tube and is home.  He came home Thursday afternoon and was so full from his noon feeding that he didn't feed again until Friday morning,(kinda sounds like he's a vampire with his feedings).  His Friday morning feedings didn't go well at all!  He fed and threw them up less than 30 minutes later.  He said that if felt acidy as soon as it hit his stomach.  So he got a different supplement delivered by a special lady from Medical Center Medical Products on her way home and now he is on his way to working up to 2200 calories/day.  2200 calories is easily taken in at one sitting with me and my babies and all of the meals that have been brought to us over the past 6 weeks.  Please pray for his strength and maintaining a healthy weight.  My man has lost approximately 27-30 pounds in the past 6 weeks and he doesn't look good from behind not having a hiney for me to ogle...Oh sorry, I'm sure that's TMI!

#2  Tomorrow starts week 4 in battling Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma...meaning we are 3 weeks away from being a cancer free family.  I have claimed God's promises of healing already, but some of you may feel led to claim those same promises for me and maybe for your own family or another friend.  God's word says in John 16 that for whatever we ask in His son's name, Jesus, He will give it to us.  I have claimed that for my husband and for my children regarding their health and our future.

The people that Trevor has talked to that have fought this same battle have said that weeks 4-5 are pretty tough.  So here we are on week 4's doorstep, I refuse to let what other people have told him or me determine how he may or may not feel.  My goal is to keep OUR spirits high...strength and nutrition higher!

#3  Some of you may have heard or been invited on Facebook about the 5K Fun Run/Walk that some of Trevor's co-worker's are doing.  If I can figure out how to add the information on here, I will.  Anyway, it's Saturday, November 10 at Union University at 9 am.  Registration begins at 8 or you can pre-register at, it's the Run Hard, Fight Harder 5K in Jackson TN, 38305 at Union University.  Early registration is $20 by October 12 and guarantees a t-shirt.  If you want to participate and can't be in Jackson, you can still register for the race and a t-shirt will be sent to you.  Everyone NEEDS another t-shirt!  Any other questions that I didn't answer contact Dabney Stewart at or Jenny Graves at  There are prizes for the top male and female finishers.  If you would rather not actively participate but be a sponsor and have your name or logo on the shirt, let Jenny or Dabney know.

Eli, Neely and I plan on participating.  We are going to do the 1 mile walk, although Eli will probably run.  For those of you that are not loosing sleep at night not worrying about my husband, the love of my life, the father of my sweet children having cancer but sleeping soundly and waking up in a cold sweat wondering "how in the world is Angi's foot from that horrible face plant 6 weeks ago in the TCA parking lot?"  Ya'll can get some sound sleep now or take some sort of sleep aid if you're worried sick because I went to the doctor and I have a stress fracture and a strained foot.  Let me tell you how hot I am in this black boot, seriously.  Who would have thought 1 orthopedic boot could keep my basil metabolic temperature so high...I can wear less clothes because of this stinkin boot!  And if my foot keeps sweating, it will be stinkin!

Thank you all for your continued prayers.  Thank you for your words of encouragement.  Thank you for going out of your way at the grocer's or at church or mailing cards or fb messages to say a word of encouragement to me and my family.  Your words, gestures, cards, meals and prayers are greatly appreciated.  We may never know everyone who has lifted us up to our Heavenly Father, but know that your prayers have carried us through the past 6 weeks.

With a heart full of Thanksgiving-angi

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