Sunday, October 7, 2012

Beginning Week 5...

Where to start...

Tuesday was Trevor's mid-treatment follow up appointment.  He did his radiation Tuesday morning, followed by having labs done.  We knew the results of those labs before he was scheduled to go to his check-up at 10:15.  His platelet count was really low as was his white blood count, which is to be expected at this stage of chemo/radiation treatments. His oncologist was admitted to JMCGH as a patient so Trevor had to see the nurse practitioner.  She wanted to hold off on all chemo drugs for the week...that dog will not hunt for shore!  Trevor asked her to please consult the oncologist making rounds for his doctor and he believed that it wouldn't hurt him to do the Erbitux drug, but hold off on the Cysplatin.  Cysplatin stresses the kidneys and he has to be hydrated before he starts this drug and has to get 2000 mg of fluid via IV while this drug is being administered to ensure hydration.  So he had hydrated all day Monday, thus up half the night going poddy and then doesn't get the drug.  He was kinda aggravated but we knew this could happen.  It was a short day, we were home by 4:30, just in time to get to Eli's soccer game...woo-hoo!

Wednesday, Trevor went to radiation and weighed.  He had lost 7 lbs the week before just trying to get feeding tube formula balanced and kept in.  So when we weighed this time, he had gained 2 lbs!  Packin on the Pounds BABY!  Although, when you see him you see weight loss not a whole 2 pounds gained but it's a gain...He finally has his feedings balanced and he's even taking in some Gatorade and water to stay hydrated.  His mouth and throat are very sore.  I try to keep him from having to use his voice and have told him if he needs anything just text me, I'm sitting right next of him for Pete's Sake! 

Some of you, I'm sure are wondering how is his hunting season going to go?!  Well he got his shooting house put up with the help of some great guys.  So when he does get to go hunting, he'll be protected from the elements.  He's even checked his cameras and he has a couple of BIG bucks that he hopes he'll feel strong enough to "take down".  After he get one or both of these big daddy's, he's going to need help getting them out of the field, I think I may start a lottery.  Maybe something like:  Register to win TIME with TREVOR!  Help him Harvest his BUCK!  Requirements:  Be accessible at the beep of a text message.  Be able to drive a 4-wheeler.  Be able to field dress this monster buck and drag it out and load it into Trevor's truck.  I'll have to let Trevor figure out how to choose a winner.  Whether it be by random FB posts or comments to this post or mass text message to "register" for said lottery...Of course, I'm joking.  I know no woman reading this is going to care a hill of beans about field dressing a deer, much less loading it.  And if there are men reading this and you are interested, I'll let you know when he goes hunting. 

So as we head into week 5, we're now on the back side of cancer treatment and GOD is good!  He has brought us through the first half.  Our family is stronger for living this together, although it has been tough we are stronger for it.  For the next 3 weeks, Trevor's treatments of chemotherapy will probably be nothing to exciting since he has the nausea licked.  Please pray that his platelet and white blood cell count stay at level that will allow him to endure both chemo drugs from here on out.  Pray this his body begin to heal itself, stronger than it was and cancer free.  The radiation right now is the hard part.  His mouth and throat are raw and he has been advised that they will get worse before they get better.  Again, pray for a quick but complete cancer free healing. 

Please keep our entire family in your prayers.  I ask specifically that you pray for our health so that we don't bring nasty germs home to Trevor that may complicate his healing.  My babies and I will have to get the flu vaccine to ensure we don't bring that bug home to him in the incoming flu season while his immune system is compromised.  I have NEVER had the flu vaccine, I'm from the old school of thought.  Why set myself up for something I've never had?!  Whereas Trevor gets the vaccine every year because he works in the hospital environment but he won't get it this year for the first time in a very long time, probably 10 years if not more. 

REMINDER:  Don't forget to go to to register to run or walk in the Run Hard, Fight Harder race on November 10 in Jackson.  Early registration, before October 12 guarantees a cool t-shirt.  Neely is even doing the 1 mile walk with me in her bright pink tennis shoes.  It's going to be a great time with lots of great people and even more laughs.  Better than a meet and greet at a high school reunion!

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers, for your cards of encouragement and even hysterical laughs.  We are loved and we are blessed and thankful to have you all praying for us even if it's only on a fleeting thought.  I pray that you are, in turn blessed by your prayers for us.  I know we wouldn't be able to endure this without God's mercy being asked for without your intercession of prayers, thank you.

Isaiah 55:11  "So will My word be, which goes forth from My mouth;  It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and not succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."

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