Friday, October 12, 2012

Okay for those of you that have read last night's post, it'll be alright.  Don't be self-medicating on the account of 1 post.  I felt I needed to be honest about MY feelings, not just what's been going on.  I'm not going to do anything dumb, intentionally anyway, because of this circumstance.

 I come from hardy stock!  My family, not my babies and my man, but momma, daddy, brothers and my sister, my grandparents (of which I only have a Daddy Carl left), aunts, uncles and cousins, we have all been through so much individually and as a family.  But in the scheme of things pain is pain and just because my immediate family is going through this cancer incident doesn't make your pain any less or mine any greater.  I believe it's all in how you handle it and the only way I know how to handle it is through prayer.  Now if you've heard me spout off at the mouth sometimes, you may doubt that and I ask that you forgive me for causing you to stumble in your relationship with our Lord.  My first instinct is to pray, whether it's praying for healing, peace, comfort or discernment.

But I'm a woman, a woman ruled a lot of times by emotions. I am a  woman that is not supernatural, there aren't any Halloween costumes out there looking like me with rubber or plastic faces of my likeness.  I struggle and last night I was getting over the hump of emotions.  I believe that God has prepared me for this moment in our family's.  I don't need any "bless your heart" or "you poor thing".  The only thing that anyone can do for me or for us is pray.  Pray for our strength.  Pray for Trevor's rapid, complete healing.
James 5:16  "The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much."

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