Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week 7...the last lap

I've wondered what exactly to post and I just published what I had written for last week, but this post is what has gone on this weekend and what our expectations are. I've been posting and not really knowing what I'm going to write until I sat down and just started rambling, sounds easy enough. As you've kept up with our brief encounter of cancer and gotten a glimpse into our day to day lives it seems simple or easy enough. But do you really know how it feels to have 4 "followers" and over 2000 people that have chased that wild rabbit and feel the pressure of coming up with something that is edifying and encouraging in our current "situation". So today as I was sitting in church listening to our new Student Minister, God gave me an audible. I don't want to plagiarize, that is not my intent but what he said is EXACTLY how I've been feeling publicly and privately. I've been battling with being an encouraging wife and mother, trying to LET Christ be shown in my words and actions. I ask that God would be seen in our family's situation but man it's hard when I keep getting in the way of what He is trying to do in and around our lives. The message came from Psalms 23. He said it was the most overlooked scripture in the Bible. I got distracted in verse one: "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want..." If any of you have heard this feel free to turn it over to the Cards/Giants game, Cards are going to go to game 7 and walk away NLCS champs, again. I digress. People wanna know what we need, what they can do for us, what we want, what our kids need/want, what can they do for Trevor, can he eat, drive, how's he doing, etc...It is because the LORD is our shepherd that we are not in want. Want and Need are two different things but can be interchanged. We NEED for nothing and in relation to the 23 Psalms, we are not in want. Our Lord has sacrificed His son for our needs. He has us so taken care of yet we (I) have a tendency to wanna do, worry, sit or whatever. When I was listening to the minister speak I was so humbled because God has us taken care of. If I will sit and listen, He has already promised us healing. He has promised us a future and all He asks of me is to continue to praise Him and serve Him. If you look at Psalms, it was written by David when he was a shepherd, when his best friend was the son of the king, when the king was jealous of him, when he himself was king, when he made poor judgement with Bathsheba, hopefully you get the picture. David praised God in good fortune and turmoil. My man has cancer. We have been given a great prognosis. It stinks that my children have seen him be exhausted from doing nothing. It stinks that we all have to have the flu vaccination so that we don't bring any nasty bugs home with us. It really stinks that he's lost almost 30 pounds and that he can't eat any of the great foods that we've had brought to us. His salivary glands are in overdrive and he spits at least a gallon of saliva a day. He has to get up in the night to spit. When he coughs or clears his throat he has to control his gag or he'll start throwing up. He has already gone through a whole box of iodized salt and baking soda washing his mouth out trying to keep his mouth healthy. What is real torture is watching him look out the window and watching...watching kids, watching the wind blow, watching the sun shine because he can't be in the sun and he's so tired when he gets out there it's very brief. He comes back in to watch more football or more outdoor channel. And it irritates the fool out of me to see him this way and again there is NOTHING I can do to change it... After today's message it was an a-ha moment, God said to me exactly what John Pond said to say "it is because the LORD is my shepherd, that we don't need to want". God's so got this, He's got us covered. He has and continues to meet all of our needs and wants. The days that I can't seem to bring myself to be transparent before Him, the Holy Spirit intercedes on my behalf Here we are about to begin week 7. Radiation Monday thru Friday, Friday being Trevor's LAST day of radiation-can I get AMEN from some believers?! Tuesday will be his last chemotherapy for 4 weeks. Trevor will begin maintenance chemo after Thanksgiving 3 times for 12 weeks. God is Good! Thank you for continued prayers as we finish this race...

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