Sunday, October 21, 2012

6 weeks-GONE!

Here we are at the end of week 6!!!! Think about the things that you can do in 6 weeks: Get pregnant AND confirm pregnancy. Lose 12 lbs healthily, this I have not done. Depending on if you are on 6/9 weeks, get a report card. This my babies have done and we are very pleased with the efforts of our babies in their academics. Eli has fought off laziness and has one, again. Neely has gone above and beyond her AR goal, and I'm tickled to death that one of my children enjoys reading. So at 6 weeks, my husband has endured chemo and radiation and done it without a complaint. I do enough whining, he doesn't have to. I have received several comments about keeping this blog. I do it to keep everyone up to date on what's going on. It would probably be beneficial if I wrote as things were happening instead of trying to catch up on a Friday night watching the Cards take game 5 to clinch the NLCS to go to the World Series, again. I'm easily distracted by the interview with Mike Matheny. I like to look at him, he is very easy on the eyes... Anyway, thank you for the encouraging words about my writing. I don't think my 12th grade English teacher reads this or she would have her red pen out writing me a stern letter about ending sentences with prepositions, or my run-on sentences. I think I give my English teacher friends a run for their money when they read this, it's probably like fingernails down a chalk board for them...I love ya'll and you know it! We've had a pretty good week. Trevor had a pretty good weekend and it helped that it was nice weather. He got to play outside with the kids. Trevor felt so good Wednesday, he and his nephew got the windows put into his shooting house. He is now ready to hunt! Tuesday he had chemo all day. I dropped him off at 7:30 a.m. and we didn't get home until 7 p.m. Wednesday was a good day. Thursday was an okay day and today was a blah kinda day again. That's pretty much how the past 6 weeks have gone and we only have 1 more week of good then blah, then cancer free good!

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