Saturday, September 15, 2012

September 11, 2012 2 day down...

2 days down…

2 days down…
Oh my goodness…what a long day!  As our day started at 6 am, what mom’s day doesn’t start that early or earlier? My man  had to be at the hospital at 7:30, babies at school by 7:45, back home to get Trevor pepcid, HOLY COW…Eli forgot his English book, back to TCA.  I think I used more gas driving 15 miles, 3 times in an hour, good thing I have Kroger gas points!

I can not say “Thank You” so much to everyone who has prayed, showed up, called, text, sent cards, plants and the Southern Baptist favorite-FOOD, during the past week.  My daddy was such a blessing and I had forgotten how much of a man he was because the past few years of illness had taken the Christian, generous, God-fearing, compassionate man from me.  He left a legacy that I had to be reminded of, thank you to all of you that reminded me of the man he was.  I was so blessed, does that make a lot of sense? To be a part of last weeks “festivities” with all of my siblings as we gathered together to talk about “Maurice-isms” such as, “that was so nasty, it would gag a goat”, “don’t you lie to me, gonna have to have Mrs. Cook call the dog because the dog knows you’re lying”, “get a switch”, “she’s so ugly make a freight train take a dirt road”, or “ugly as a mud fence” (we’re a vain family), “dumb as a rock”, “take your right hand and put it on your left ear, take your left hand and put it on your right ear, now pull your head out of your hind end!”.  We tried to keep score to see who had one that wasn’t on any of the others list… no one won, we all had the same ones and a lot more than what I’ve listed.  And miracle of miracles there weren’t any buttons pushed and no screaming matches, no one left angry swearing they would never speak again…it was truly a blessing especially with us 5!

Well as we embarked on this new adventure of cancer treatment, I was a little apprehensive on how much fun we would really have, man am I glad I paced myself for it all!  Trevor started his radiation yesterday, he said it was “FINE”… then went and finished laying a hardwood floor.  Today, he did radiation at 9:30 and then IV fluids started about 10.  Then he had to have a test dose with one of the chemo drugs to see if he would have an allergic reaction, like anaphalactic shock!  The crash cart was outside his door and we didn’t know that until later in the afternoon.  Once he passed that test, that drug had to be mixed (takes 30-45 minutes to get it from pharmacy).  Once that starts, it lasts about an hour with nurse in the room taking his blood pressure every 5 minutes.  More IV fluids for the next drug.  The next drug takes about 2 hours to drip then has to have more IV fluids.  This drug is very hard on kidneys and bladder so they have encouraged lots of fluids.  Depending on how he feels tomorrow will depend on if he finishes the deer shooting house in my garage where my van sometimes parks.  If it’s finished that means I can get the lawn mower out to mow the yard and get my dose of Vitamin D that I’ve missed out on over the past couple of weeks.  A girl needs her Vit-D to feel good about her cute pedicured feet!

We have a friend from college that is an Oncologist Pharmacist, it’s always good to have a pharmacist in your circle of friends.  She had sent us TONS of information on the drugs that Trevor will be taking over the next 7 weeks…THANKS MMY!  Trevor was more prepared since he had studied some of the material last night.  They loaded his tail up with all kinds of drugs to help his body suppress any kind of allergic reaction, he was almost high with so much benadryl!  Then nausea medicine to help alleviate the side affects of large doses of chemo.  He feels really good right now.  He said that he is really tired, he’s not used to laying around all day doing nothing, and his joints hurt.  So again, thank you is not enough for all you prayer warriors that got us through today will mild to little anxiety.  Keep it up over the next 7 weeks.

We are 2 days closer to being cancer free.  Our prayer is that Trevor sustain his strength and his appetite.  We pray also that the burning in his throat that the doctors have told us will happen because of the radiation, does not hinder him from swallowing as much as we’ve been led to believe.  We have prayed with confidence that after this 7 weeks, Trevor is completely healed from cancer and any other randomness that may try to fall in his lap.  When his radiation is over that will have completed our year of random accidents!

On another random rabbit chase, today as I was waiting for Trevor while he did radiation.  I struck up a conversation with a volunteer and a grand daughter in the radiation department.  There was a lady that had just left her radiation.  She had brain cancer…she had to have teeth removed and the cancer took it’s place.  Her face is swollen, she has lost a large amount of her hearing and can’t eat.  She is taking radiation to slow the cancer growth down.  The doctors have said she has a minimal amount of time to love on her man and her babies.  2 months ago she was a 41 year old mom of an 8 year old daughter and a 9 month old baby…Her husband made the comment that this weekend as they were having a fund raiser at their house to raise money to take care of medical expenses and pay for her future burial, their house was struck by lightening, blew the freezer out and they lost all their frozen food…AND his brother had a stroke at the family event…Job crossed my mind.  Pray for this family, all I know is they are from Bolivar (a small town in West Tennessee).  Pray that GOD shows up in a big way and that when he does, they recognize it and are blessed.

I John 5:14-15  This is the confidence we have before HIM, that if we ask anything according to HIS will, HE hears us.  And if we know that HE hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests we have asked from HIM.

Amen and AMEN!

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