Saturday, September 15, 2012

August 29, 2012 Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!......Wait...

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!……….Wait…

Well today wrapped up all of the preliminary testing before “we”, Trevor begins this new adventure.  We also found out that we’ve almost met our insurance deductible…WOO-HOO! Bout time-
2 weeks ago, August 15, Trevor a 40 year old, strong, relatively healthy, active, strong, sexy man had his tonsils and adenoids taken out.  All those horrible things that you’ve heard about the older you get when you have this procedure done are all true, at least from my perspective.  He hasn’t whinned or complained.  He drinks his Gatorade and eats his applesauce like a real trooper.  He’s actually expanding his diet to peanut butter, jelly and banana sandwiches.  But when we started this process he already knew there was a potential problem.  Biopsy of the tissue removed showed that his adenoids were cancerous.  Dr. Preston calls and makes arrangements for Trevor to see 2 of the most highly recommended Oncologist in our area.

Here we are 2 weeks out, we have a diagnosis and preparations are being made to begin his chemo/radiation treatments on Monday, September 10.  In my mind where is the sense of urgency?  I guess it depends on the diagnosis and the aggressiveness of the cancer.  I’m so super grateful for the care that he has had over the past 2 weeks.  From counseling, to PET scans, to more CAT scans to preparing his plan for radiation and counsel between doctors to determine best drugs to use in chemo.  Now we wait…
While we are waiting, Trevor has torn down a fence and rebuilt it.  I think he plans on doing something with shingles on the roof, help the neighbor guy with a project.  I KNOW he’ll check deer cameras, heaven forbid a new buck get by and he not get that memory card looked at to check out the habits of this new 8 point…In his thoughtfulness (boredom), he has folded laundry, loaded the dishwasher, cleaned out the garage (but those of you that have been to my house can’t tell it, I’m still parked in the drive), vacuumed, and matched white socks!  I know, I’m blessed with such a handy man, especially one that matches white socks.

Truly, I have been blessed.  Trevor and I have known each other since college nearly 25 years…GAH, he’s old!  He has always been a generous man.  I remember playing in the rain with one of my roommates and I cut my foot on something (we went to Martin and it was between the dorms and the Pike house, so use your imaginations as to what I stepped on).  Anyway, the only person that I knew that would help me was this guy that was a Resident Assistant.  So we go traipsing down the hallway trailing blood, breaking open house so that Trevor can basically put a band-aid on my foot.  He has always been my friend, although we dated other people in college.  He goes to PT school, I go to Yellowstone to do my internship.  I come home, am driving down Jefferson Avenue and who is walking to class, that’s right my dear friend Trevor Stewart.
The next week I have an auto accident, that is a story for another time, but me being in a state of unawareness this guy comes every day to the MED and sits with my dad and it isn’t even visiting hours.  I never knew this until I got out of the hospital.  My life had stopped, 24 years old, living with my parents, have a colostomy (look that up if you don’t know, it’s not sexy) the 1-800-DATE-ANGI line was not ringing.  My dad keeps talking about this guy that came every day and sat with him and listened to his softball playing days.  1 year later after lots of other physical/emotional “drama”, the phone finally rings and it’s NOT for my 17 year old hot sister.  Trevor Stewart is was calling to check on me. This eventually turned in to dating.   Needless to say the rest is history and will be made into a made for TV movie, Vanessa Marcil will play me and I will go get a tramp stamp so that she can get into character.  Dermot Mulroney will play Trevor, the quiet, sexy type especially now with the graying…

My man has devoted the last 15 years of his life to making me happy.  To providing for us, keeping our family safe.  He has loved me through all kinds of crazy and random events in our lives.  He has found me attractive through 2 pregnancies and even now.  He has discussed sternly things that I thought differently about.  He has our family’s best interest, health and future in mind and works very hard to see that it’s all taken care of.  He has prayed with our children and disciplined when needed and always loved them.  When God gave me Trevor Stewart as my help mate he all but gift wrapped him with a red bow.  Eli asked today on the way to school what were some of the most important days of my life.  The day that I married my sexy, thoughtful, God-fearing man was one of them.  And the other 2 are named Eli and Neely, neither of which doctors were sure could happen.  I love this man for the man he is raising our son to be.  I love him for the example he is setting how a woman should be treated my a man for Neely.  Even when I’m angry with something totally random, probably hormonal, he loves me through it and often times it irritates the fool out of me because I’m hard-headed.  He loves me unconditionally, just as Christ loves the Church and that’s what makes me love him more, respect and admire him and makes me want to be a better wife, friend and mother.  When my grandmother died, my grandfather said “this is how it’s supposed to be, I would not want her to live through what I’m going to live through without her”, that was 14 years ago and Daddy Carl is still waiting to see Opal Christine when he walks into heaven!  That’s how I feel, my heart aches that I can’t make this go away, I can’t fix it.  That said, we are drowning in blessings…I mean God is dumping them on us and I know that when this cancer event is over, my family will be even richer and more blessed that our cups will be running over and people around us will be getting wet!

So while we have hurried up and had all this testing and feel prepared for treatments to begin in 1.5 weeks, we are continuing to live and continuing to praise God and thank Him daily for providing His strength for us.  We continue to thank Him for the times we get to share doing chores (griping the whole time), playing games, going to soccer practice, piano lessons and the daily grind.  This illness has not stopped our lives, it will slow us down for 13 weeks.  But as long as my man is awake, feeling bad or not, he’s doing…planning…praying…watching ESPN and the Outdoor Channel…and loving us.
Proverbs 20:7  “The righteous man walks in his integrity;  his children are blessed after him”

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