Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013...Year of the Stewart's!

When I sit down to blog, (and I've intended to do it before now) I really never know how to start.  I struggle with organizing my thoughts in case you didn't notice.  Today I have defrocked my house of things Christmas festivities, thank goodness.  All except the Christmas lights outside and I WILL get those down before the weeks end.  The timer is jacked up so they come on at all odd times of the day and the precious night.  They go along the front of our house, our bedroom is in the front of the house, so when they turn on at 2 a.m., I'm not a happy camper. 

Enough of my reasons why I don't sleep at night...our Christmas was great.  Eli proclaimed it "The Best Christmas Ever!"  We enjoyed time with Trevor's family as well as mine and it was all very nice and relaxing.  No tempers flared, no attitudes were misinterpreted and no words were spoken that couldn't be taken back or were wounding.  It seems it never fails that during Thanksgiving and/or Christmas some one will say something that hurts another's feelings.  And 9 times out of 10, I'm the one that spoke the words that hurt my relationship with a family member.  Lots of gifts were given and received, lots of food was eaten and lots of time shared with each other about the thankfulness we have for this season and how fortunate we are to have been given God's Son as our Savior.  My children's prayers at night have been of thanksgiving for the healing of their dad and for the gift of Jesus.

We will begin this new year in anticipation for great things.  Tomorrow, Trevor will begin the first round of three of maintenance chemo.  His doctor has prescribed only 2 drugs, Cystplatin and 5-FU.  The Cystplatin was one of the drugs he took during his initial chemo treatments.  This dosage will be twice the amount of what he took for 7 weeks.  This is also the drug that make him nauseous.  Needless to say, he isn't looking forward to taking that again, but he will also take the Anzmet for nauseau.  The 5-FU will be something new for him.  He will have to be admitted to the hospital for 96 hours to take it by IV.  When his doctor told us that, our jaws dropped.  96 hours, 4 days and nights...he about when crazy for the 8 hours he was there taking chemo drugs the first time.  I think it will be a different experience.  He will not have been battling the side effects of radiation so I believe he'll have more stamina than before.

To keep it in perspective, it's only 3 times in a period of 12 weeks.  So every 4 weeks he'll have to be admitted for chemo for 4 days.  Yes there are side effects, possible mouth sores, possible diarrhea, possible...just because it's possible doesn't mean it'll happen to him.  That has been my prayer is that he keep a positive attitude, that his body is strong enough that these "possible" side effects won't hinder him.  He is looking forward to going back to work at the end of January and he doesn't want to go back fighting side effects of chemo.  Also, this is the last step to ensuring that this cancer doesn't rear it's ugly head again.  It's like Nanny McPhee, as one step is completed an ugly wart disappears, except warts aren't disappearing we're just one step closer to being completely healed. 

Over this Christmas break, we've "enjoyed" each other's company.  I use enjoy loosely, he has about gone stir crazy watching old Christmas movies with me.  I dvr'ed Meet Me in St. Louis, when we were all in the living room and I hit play, he didn't get up and walk out but when the broke out in song, he cringed.  He didn't complain just sat there looking like he would choke!  I turned it off, I hated to make him sit through another after he watched Christmas in Connecticut and Love Actually with me.  We've watched so much Property Brothers that I half expect to come home to him having ripped out a bathroom. Or even see the table set with something that he has seen on Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives.  For a man that can't keep solid food down, he is a glutton for punishment watching all of the Food Network shows. 

2013 will be the year the Stewart's do something besides meet our insurance deductible!  The babies and I were discussing our New Year's Resolutions.  Neely's is to have more fun...Eli's is to keep his temper in check and talk about what aggravates him and not just walk away in a huff...mine is to lead a healthier lifestyle.  I'm sure some of you rolled your eyes, I did when I actually saw that I wrote that down.  But healthier doesn't mean I have to be radical.  I can decrease the amount of sodas I drink in a week or decrease the amount of sugar I eat or increase the veggies or water I take in.  We'll see, but I'm going to put forth an honest effort.  I told the Neely and Eli that when you write your resolutions down and keep them in front of you, your were more likely to attempt these small feats.  I can't imagine what Neely could do to have more fun, she lives the life of a barefooted princess as it is.  As for Eli, he and I will both work on our temperament.  

So many of you have been faithful in your prayers for my family and I can't say enough how thankful we are and how your prayers do affect us.  Trevor and I were talking about how people that don't have a church family or a Christian family or even people to pray for them and over therm, how they get through life's challenges.  We can't imagine going through past 15 months without prayer warriors by our side.  I hope that you each take advantage of 2013.  Since the Mayans were off with predicting the world's end, live each day to the fullest.  Try to say an encouraging word to one person each day and take an opportunity to enjoy what God has blessed you with and share with someone.

Enjoy the bowl games...go SEC!

Matthew 11:28  "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest."

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