Tuesday, November 20, 2012

20 Questions...(probably more)

Okay some of you have played this game for me or with me depending on who you are and how far we were going. I've even made 20 questions for a couple of my friends when they go on road trips. I think it's fun, Trevor hates it, but I think it's important to see where you are in your relationship, if in fact you really do share the same thoughts. The following are questions that I wrote out several weeks ago for my man to read over and I had presumed he would actually answer them. Well we've probably all heard where presuming will land you...So while you are traveling with or without your family and especially your spouse for more than 15 minutes take a few minutes to LISTEN not just with your ears but your heart. Keep in mind listening and applying are 2 total different things. #1 rule of 20 Questions: There is no wrong answer! I say this directly to myself because when Trevor answers something in a way I don't agree with (tone included) I get all defensive and it takes the fun out of the whole experience. 1. How has this experience (my blog or Trevor's cancer or any trial you've experienced lately) changed you? My answer: I am capable of doing so much more. 2. 4 Things You Want to Accomplish before age 75. My Answer: I would like to read the Bible through prayerfully and not just words on the page. I would like to sky dive. I would like to be a HOT BOD on a healthy level again. I would like to go 1 year without a carbonated beverage. 3. 1 person dead or alive you would like to spend the day with. Audrey Hephburn. 4. If you weren't whatever you are now (occupation) what would you be/do: If I wasn't a mom, I would be lost as a goose in a hail storm. 5. Name one book you've read that you enjoyed: I enjoy most books I read. The last book I read that I would NOT recommend is Girl Gone. (I know this should be underlined, but refer to previous posts where I've hit a button on my lap top and changed the lay out of the blog. That's why everything is a run-on thought...sorry) 6. Is there anything you would change about yourself? Why? I would try to be "seen and not heard" as much. I've been told that I'm very abrasive and I truly don't mean to be, sometimes (a lot of times) my words/emotions jump out before I have a chance to think the whole thought through. 7. What would your next vehicle be? I would get the same just newer Nissan Quest! I love my minivan. 8. What do you look forward to? I look forward to my man being completely healed and our life getting back to being cancer free! 9. What is your favorite daytime TV show? I like watching re-runs of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and Orange County. If that isn't on, I enjoy watching Income Property or Property Brothers on HGTV. 10. What is one thing you look forward to eating? This close to Thanksgiving, I'm looking forward to eating cornbread dressing with Turkey and cranberry sauce. Otherwise, I LOVE a good, juicy cheeseburger with ketchup 3 warm thin sliced dill pickles and thin slice purple onion... 11. Top 3 ALL-TIME favorite movies: Breakfast at Tiffany's, Holiday Inn and Love Actually 12. 4 Things You Want for Christmas: a locket and chain to put my babies and man in to wear around my neck, a yellow Casio digital watch, brown boots and a personal trainer. 13. One language, besides English, you would like to know (not necessarily learn but know): High-school French didn't really pay off, but after visiting the Dominican Republic, I wish I knew Spanish. 14. 3 Things you like about your city. 3 Things that would make your city better: I like the small town feel. I like being right off of I-40 and central to anything in West Tennessee. I like seeing people from my past that are surprised that I live in Jackson. Changes: A recycling program that correlated with garbage pick-up. Not so much trash and litter in our city and county. Vann Dr interchange designed for a growing city with lots of traffic not designed for 4 cars to go through interchange...IT'S JACKED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and you know if you've ever gone to Chile's or Wal-Mart! 15. 1 Thing you like about yourself: I like that I'm willing to try anything once. 16. 1 Thing you like about me: Depends on who you are, but I appreciate that ya'll have read this and have prayed with and for me, my babies and my man and our family. 17. Your favorite Color: mine depends on my mood 18. The grade/teacher that impacted you most: Mary Lou Snowden, 5th grade. She made me realize I had to get an education, my life would be way more successful if I really applied myself and tried. 19. All-Time Favorite Song: Chicago 17, You're The Inspiration and #20. Was FRIENDS not the best show on NBC's "must see TV"? YES IT WAS!!! and it's great on Nic@nite.. My blessing for you is from Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace." Safe traveling and Happy Thanksgiving! p.s. and if anyone knows how to unjack up my computer so that it isn't a run-on, please advise...please!

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