Friday, March 15, 2013


We are FINALLY home!  After 1 week of poison dripping into my man's veins, after countless amounts of nausea medicines, after a case of Peptamen boxed nourishment, an infinite of amount of prayers and praises and an altercation in 4th grade the Eagle is nesting in his own bed.  You know that saying "Home is where the heart is"?  My mailing address is 48 Vistaview Cove, but my heart has been in room B985 for five days.  I love my house but it hasn't been homey enough (excluding laundry and dust bunnies mating) since my man hasn't been here.  The babies and I haven't really been her except to sleep and eat breakfast but when Trevor isn't here it's just not where I want to be. 

I have been picking my children up at school and we would either come home to bathe before going to the hospital or go to the hospital and come home to wash school and hospital germs off.  Trevor wants to see his babies everyday, he may not say a lot but just having them bicker with each other I guess reminds him of home.  When we get to the hospital, they are chatting about nothing and arguing about who gets to play their dad's phone.  He gets caught up on school happenings and we jet home to begin homework, baths and bedtime.  This weeks school happenings involved 2nd grade graded papers and a 4th grade "trucking" incident.  Those of you that have not learned elementary lingo, find the nearest McDonald's or park and ask kid what "trucking" is...

Neely's graded papers weren't anything spectacular but I'm led to believe it's because she's had a lot to emotionally deal with over the past 2 weeks.  Preparing for her dad to go into the hospital last week and he didn't, really through her knowing she had to look forward to his absence from home this week.  My kids function by the seat of their pants like their mom when their dad isn't home.  Eli got into a football skirmish on the playground.  One of his 4th grade buddies he's known since kindergarten had a meeting of the minds.  It basically boiled down to Eli running this kid over (trucking him) because Eli couldn't take anymore of the boys aggravation. 

At least once a week since kindergarten, Eli has gotten in the van and complained about what this kid has said or what he did.  Several times he has gotten in the van because he got his strip pulled because something this kid did and either Eli retaliated and got caught or the story was misrepresented and they got into trouble.  No matter, this week my son had had enough.  I had told him if the boy (or anyone) won't leave you alone or he touches you, you touch him harder then tell your teacher.  "I got your back", is what I said if he got into trouble but I can't do anything if you don't tell your teacher.  So this week, the kid kicks Eli in the package area and Eli "trucks" him on the football field.  He went and told his teacher just like we discussed but he left out the key to the whole "trucking" ordeal.  Even when I went with him for moral support to tell his side of the story, he never told his teacher that the kid kicked him.  Eli assured his teacher he was fine, he just wanted to be moved away from the kid in the classroom. 

I am so proud of him for standing up for himself and I told him so.  But we also had to discuss running a kid over isn't always the best way to handle things.  He got such a boost of self-awareness for running the kid over, I couldn't believe how confident he is.  He isn't sorry (and I'm not going to make him apologize if they are empty words) but feels like this kid won't be telling him "you should never have been born", "your mom is lazy", "you have a sorry family", "you're dumb and stupid" or won't be sucker punching him in the bathroom or when the teacher's back is turned or kicking him in the crotch.  He got in the van yesterday and said that neither he nor the kid could play football for the rest of the year.  I think that is fair punishment, he's devastated!  As for the kid, his mom is SOOOO sweet and I wonder if she knows her son runs his mouth or does silly things.  I SUREly know my son isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination. I'm not getting mixed up in 4th grade boy drama, they can work it out on their own if they want to play together.  They will be in school together until they graduate so they might as well work it out now or avoid each other for the next 8 years.  We go to a pretty small school, avoidance means crossing to the other side of the hallway or eating on opposite ends of the cafeteria. 

I'm anxious to see what Trevor says when he comes out of his drug induced stupor.  We don't condone fighting but we don't want our children to be run over either.  Eli is not aggressive by nature anyway, he sucks it up until he can't take anymore, obviously.  His teacher did tell him he didn't have to suck it up, she encouraged him to talk to her about it.  She can't see what 20 kids at a time do or say, especially if she's teaching and even more when they are mixed up with 40 other 4th graders.  She needs to know what kids are saying and doing.  He understood and said he would let her or someone know next time someone bothered him.  He really won't though.  He'll get in the van and unload and my job is to LISTEN...

Do you ever have trouble just sitting there and listening?  Listening to a 10 year old rant, they don't want you to say anything and if you do, be prepared whatever you say is not right.  "You don't understand"...gahhhh...never thought I would hear that because I thought I did understand.  You know that when we start on a rant, God is listening and He can fix it but that means we have to do the listening too.  God has listened to me so much over the past 18 months and I've found that I haven't been doing as much listening as I need to be because I'm trying to fix it on my own.  Someone asked me what I've learned through this cancer situation, I've learned that I have to stop and listen.  His answers have been so clear, I just have to listen. 

Thank you for your prayers.  Thank you for your encouraging words.  Thank you for your frienships.


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